Homepage for Joshua Coyston

and welcome
This Webpage was largely dedicated to my academic exploits. I have now left academia and so this is rarely updated.
I was a Maths PhD student at Royal Holloway, University of London, under the supervision of James McKee. I defended my thesis, On Mahler Measures and Digraphs, in February 2022.
Broadly speaking, my interests during my PhD studies were in number theory, graph theory, and the interface between them. Slightly more specifically, I focused more on some of the computational and experimental aspects of number theory. My recent work has focused on associating Mahler measures with combinatorial objects.
My Erdős number is 3.
Previously, I studied at the University of Warwick, as well as at the Open University.
I also appeared on Series 86 of Channel 4's Countdown!
A recent CV will appear here soon.